Patient has limited bone height and had 2 falled bone graft surgeries. I can place 6 mm implants in the place of 28 and 29 but in the place of 30 there is impossible to place any implant since she has only 4 mm of bone. Would you splint 28 and 29 implants with the last molar under a combined bridge?
timcarter comments:
Based on the extremely limited amount of information supplied I completely disagree with your entire assessment. I see much more vertical height than what you claim and I do not believe that you have an issue. Proceed with 8mm fixtures and try to stop making things so complicated...
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prndds comments:
Dr, considering the situation. 2 implants & cantilever with attachment on #31 would be a better option.You can go with two 8 mm implants in # 28, 30 sites with an implant supported bridge or three individual implants for # 28, 29 and 30.
Consider elective extraction of the molar and immediate molar implant placement. You’ll likely get a 5 x8mm or preferably a 6 x 8mm implant in that site. I wouldn’t splint to the molar.