Sinus Lift: How much Intralift?

I have placed 3 implants 4x10, betwen the last two implants there was a remaining Root, with insuficient residual bone, so i decided to place the implants with internal sinus lifting. The residual bone in the last implant was 8 mm, and in the midle was 6-7mm.
How much intralift in mm can i go?
When i have 6-7 mm i always want to make intralift, and temporize the external.sinus lift.
Is IT ok?

I am not sure that I understand what you are asking but I think the answer is Yes it is ok as long as it works for you…

We also weren’t sure exactly what the question was, so we took the opportunity look up the Intralift with the help of OsseoNews AI. Here’s what we got:

The Intralift procedure is a hydrodynamic ultrasonic-driven transcrestal sinus grafting technique. It is designed to elevate the Schneiderian membrane and create a sufficient recipient site for implants, particularly in cases where there is less than 5 mm of remaining bone height. This procedure uses ultrasonic tips to prepare the bone under the sinus and elevate the membrane with a trumpet-shaped instrument. A high-temperature sintered bovine grafting material is then introduced into the newly created subantral space.

The results from studies on the Intralift procedure have shown the formation of new vital bone and the presence of bone substitute material without signs of abnormal inflammation. This technique allows for new bone formation in the sinus, enabling the placement of implants without the need for additional autogenous bone.

can you explain what you mean by:

“temporize the external.sinus lift”

I was confused also. But I think you’re talking about vertical sinus lift instead of lateral sinus lift. If you implant is 10mm and ur sinus floor is 6-7mm. Then you just need to add enough BG to lift 4-5mm. Also. I would have just replaced second premolar and 1st molar. I think your position of 2nd implant is little too mesial. Which isn’t a big problem.

There are many different techniques for vertical sinus lift. Where as lateral sinus lift there’s pretty much only one way. Either way as long as ur bone graft covers the implants you should be good.