Root resorption after year of orthodontic treatment . prognosis and suggestions?

the patient had orthodontic treatment for a year using self ligating braces have you seen any similar cases like this if so what was the prognosis like .iopa is maxillary left central incisor

i think it’s normal to have some root resorption after ortho. I see it all the time. sometimes the apex are blunt. your pt’s root apex is still pointy. as long as there’s no mobility and no necrosis the prognosis should be good.

I am not sure what you are referring to as a potential problem here…

I meant to ask whether this tooth would has more chances of falling out or stabilize eventually according to the interaoral X-ray shared above

Thank you for your insights . the patient tooth is still mobile but preferably wants to retain the tooth . personally how severe would you classify the root resorption ? the root length used to be above lateral central incisor matching the maxillary right central incisor root length. The patient braces are off since a year

kinda difficult to tell from your PA. since on the PA your teeth look elongated due to angulation of beam vs sensor. And the apex is not really clear either. perhaps a clear retainer which functions as a night guard would help to stabilize the central and prevent more mobility. how much movement are we talking about? class 1 at most. did you do ice test to test if central is vital?

Personally I will just take your word for it and believe you that there is root resorption as I don’t see an issue. Depending on the mechanics behind the tooth movement and the resulting post ortho occlusion this mobility might be the new normal. I probably get 2-3 referrals a month for “mobility tooth #…” and I tell my patients that a mobile tooth is not a problem, in fact it is normal, only mobile teeth that are getting progressively more mobile are a problem. This patient probably had esthetically driven ortho and the end result has him/her in a compromised occlusion…I would not lose a minute of sleep over this degree of post ortho resorption.

this is before the orthodontic treatment and root resorption seems to be class 2 as although it is not as worse as class 3 mobility it cannot be used for chewing and seems to move when . after seems the study cast used for patient teeth it seems like the the said orthodontist didn’t trimmed or prepared the study cast properly to study and it seems said didn’t need to study that as it’s irrelevant and didn’t inform the patient that he had a class 2 skeletal structure which won’t fixed by orthodontic treatment he was getting . he came to me asking whether this is normal to not inform about diagnostics class 2 skeletal, not analysing and studying the dental cast and not informing risk of root resorption . personally i don’t have much knowledge about orthodontics what would you tell this patient ?