This video below from Dr. Toorani shows the use of our Horizon 6 Flex Horizontal PRF Centrifuge to produce liquid PRF (iPRF), which is then mixed with Bioplug Collagen Plugs to create a sticky collagen plug. Collagen plugs soaked in liquid PRF have shown excellent results in some studies. (1,2) Sticky bone (i.e. mixing graft material with PRF) has been gaining clinical attention for some time now. (3). For an interesting case, which shows the use of sticky bone, see Extraction, Implant Removal, & Grafting: Using PRF, Sticky Bone & Waterlase iPlus.
- Implant Dent. 2019 Jun;28(3):220-225. Evaluation of New Bone Formation in Sinus Floor Augmentation With Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin-Soaked Collagen Plug: A Pilot Study. Gülşen U et al.
A total of 18 implants were inserted in 12 patients. There was significant new bone formation at 6th month follow-up radiography at mesial and distal regions of inserted implants (P < 0.05). New bone was regenerated with i-PRF carried by collagen plugs in sinus floor augmentation.
- J Contemp Dent Pract. 2019 Nov 1;20(11):1323-1328. Efficacy of PRF vs PRF + Biodegradable Collagen Plug in Post-extraction Preservation of Socket. Ahmed N et al.
PRF + Collaplug® has better clinical outcome in socket preservation in comparison to PRF alone. However, as results were not statistically significant, subjecting a larger sample size with PRF + Collaplug® for socket preservation may result in statistical critical values to substantiate our observations.
- Platelets. 2018 Jan;29(1):48-55. . Epub 2017 Mar 29. Effects of an injectable platelet-rich fibrin on osteoblast behavior and bone tissue formation in comparison to platelet-rich plasma. Wang X et al.
In conclusion, the results from the present study favored the use of the naturally-formulated i-PRF when compared to traditional PRP with anti-coagulants. Further investigation into the direct role of fibrin and leukocytes contained within i-PRF are therefore warranted to better elucidate their positive role in i-PRF on tissue wound healing.
- The use of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and PRF-mixed particulated autogenous bone graft in the treatment of bone defects: An experimental and histomorphometrical study Nesligül Niyaz Kökdere et al.
Histomorphometrical analyzes showed that either PRF used alone or used in conjuction with autogenous bone graft, PRF accelerated the healing of the bone defects. There were statistically significant differences in osteoblast, osteoblast and new bone area values in PRF alone and autogenous graft with PRF than the other groups.