KISSable Implant systems!

Hello there,
I believe most of the members have experienced in using multiple implant systems in their implant practice. What implant systems out there are good and are KISSable. KEEP-IT-SIMPLE-STUPID (kiss)?
Thanks in advance.

We all have our favorite systems or one we feel most comfortable with. Lots of good and bad options out there. I have always felt comfortable with Conelog implants the majority of which are placed with guided surgery. Never had any issues and it would take a lot to get me to switch

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Thanks for the response.

Selecting a implant company is not easy. the procedure itself simple simple. you drill a hole and screw down the implant. All implants on the market have good integration. You probably will select implants based on implant aggressiveness, customer service, price and least amount of parts. I think the most complex is the prosthesis part, taking impression and having a good crown fabricated. And you want a company that have lots of selection of different systems. once you pick a company best to stay with it.
I use implant direct. They are a copycat company like blue sky bio. but they have lots of different systems to satisfy your needs. and they customer support is great.
What brand implants did you train with? how you like that implant?

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I am not trained in any implant system ( surgical placement ) yet. I only restore them now,. I will be starting my Implant course at gide institute this November. I already knew based on their online modules, they are of Nobel camp. I am impressed with Bicon. But, there seems to be a stigma about it.

what implant systems have you restored? bicons are not conventional implants. like all implants as long as you satisfy the surgical principles and physiological/mechanical requirements, failure rate is very low. nobels are famous for conical implants. according to literature. conical implants have less micromovement between abutment and implant, thus less chance of bone loss. good luck and have fun.

Biomet 3i - encode
Nobel Active, Replace
Straumann BLT

you said that you use Implant direct implants.
what is your thought process in selecting one of their product lines.
Legacy ( Zimmer clone ) Vs Interactive ( Nobel active ) vs Replant ( Nobel replace ) vs
swish ( Straumann )? or which one of these you always use?