Is implant placed in 22 going to integrate or not?

I recently placed this implant in 21 n 22 region with socket shield technique can anyone elaborate about the status of implant next to canine.
At 5 days after surgery patient has mild pain with canine
Thanks n regards

I would say that it is just as likely to integrate as any other fixture and the discomfort in the canine is most likely a result of the inflammation from the procedure. It is not uncommon to have adjacent teeth shift slightly after surgery and they will become symptomatic until the occlusion is adjusted… I actually had a case 2 weeks ago where I replaced a premolar and the patient returned 6 days later complaining of pain on the adjacent premolar. After relieving the contact/occlusion his pain resolved in 24 hrs.

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I wouldn’t be concerned at 5 days. You could check centric contact on #23 and adjust if needed. But at this early phase of recovery slight discomfort in the general region is expected. Have the patient use Tylenol or Advil and see if this settles over the next week. Implant placement positioning looks nice.

I wouldn’t worry about the pain on 23 too much. It’s probably from the extraction which might have traumatised it even slightly. Not sure if you did the extraction of 22 at the same visit.
Anti-inflammatory drugs can help.

I haven’t done any PET, but i have taken several CE courses on PET. Shouldn’t you have reduced the tooth structure equal depth as the alveolar ridge height? there shouldn’t be any tooth structure coronal of the alveolar ridge height. Just wondering. Thanks.

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I haven’t ever done this technique either though I have seen/read numerous articles describing the technique. I have never understood the rationale behind it and was wondering if anyone on this forum could explain the “why” behind this procedure as it seems to me like it just leaves extra material behind that can act as a source of inflammation and potential postoperative complication… Thank you in advance for any clarification on this topic

Hi, slight pain of the canine at 5 days is still too early to tell if there’s a problem with the tooth. I would be more concerned about your shield level. It looks like you prepared them to the free gingival margin level, your should actually prepare the shields to the buccal bone level; otherwise you will have shield exposures which can lead to perio problem later.

Remember that when we do a surgery, that the area around the surgery site goes through a period of breakdown and reorganization: hence why teeth adjacent to a surgery site get sensitive and or mobile.

Although I don’t use the socket shield technique, retaining the root fragment, retains blood supply from the PDL and compared to socket grafting alone, it’s my understanding that it retains the alveolus shape.