Improving Buccal Contour Augmentation with DALI Dermis

DALI Acellular Dermis (ADM) is a great option for buccal contour augmentation around implants at the time of placement. Depending on the buccal bone thickness, it can be used with or without a bone graft.

For example, site 12 presented with a significant buccal contour defect (1). Once the implant was placed (2), the site was augmented simultaneously with DALI Classic Bone Particulate and DALI Dermis ADM (3 & 4). DALI ADM was used instead of a membrane in order to add tissue thickness as well. The matrix is best applied dry to the site and then it will soak up blood from the site increasing its volume. As long as there is passive adaptation of the flap when sutured, healing is uneventful and increased contour can be achieved (5 & 6).

Alternatively, when the bone thickness is adequate (7 & 8). It can be used by itself to increase tissue thickness. Again, the matrix is placed dry and allowed to soak up blood from the area. It can also be double-layered for increased volume as long as passive flap adaptation is achieved (9 & 10). This simple technique can achieve a great increase in contour following healing (11)











question. according to your CT. Do you get better ridge augmentation before implant placement or after/during implant placement? also what type of graft did you use in 1st example? xeno or allo? do you combine w/ auto? Thanks

I apologize for the delayed reply.
In regards to your first question, I don’t think one is intrinsically better than the other. It all depends on the case and augmentation potential that one can reasonably expect. If I am able to place the implant in the correct position with adequate torque, then I will augment simultaneously. If I do not think I will be able to, then I will opt to augment first.
My go to is allograft particulate (DALI). I have steered away from xenografts and do not typically harvest autogenous bone.
I hope this helps.

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