How To Create a New Case or Question

:warning: You need to be Logged In to Post a Case/Question or Start a New Topic

It’s easy to create a new case or question.

At the top of every page on the community is a “New Topic” button. Simply click on that button. Fill in a title for your topic (case/question), enter a description in the text box and hit “Create Topic”. A small “+” icon is also available on category pages to create a New Topic.

A few things to note:

  • Please be sure to navigate to the “Cases and Questions” category (available in the side menu) before using the New Topic button, otherwise your case will be submitted to a category that nobody will see!

  • You can add formatting to the text of any post by using the various tools in the editor. The appearance of your text will show on the right side of the text box. Note: Please do NOT edit any code formatting directly, as it may effect the appearance of your post. Just use the editor tools and watch how your content changes on the side. See the video below for a demo.

  • If your post is similar the other posts already created on the site, we will provide you with a quick notification of the similar topic. You can then either try to find an answer in that already created topic or ignore the notification and create a new topic.

  • If you forgot something or need to modify the post after you have shared just look for the pencil icon below your post click this and it will bring you right back to where you were so you can make modifications.

Watch this quick video to learn more: