Fractured distal extension of a hader bar

Dear friends,

Looking a good solution here:
I had a patient in recently with a fractured hader bar (around 10 years old) with a relatively new (1 year old) overdenture. How do I go about fabricating a new hader bar and retrofit the current denture?
Thanks a million!

I’ve had that happen. It’s cause is usually too distal extension of the bar OR the prosthetic teeth…an excessive distal cantilever on the bar or the teeth or a skimpy bar. Don’t count on the retromolar pad for support, the bar is to do the work. I’d make a new bar and denture. Keep in mind: Men, patients with parafunction and the opposing arch (implants create > force than teeth> force than a denture) all play a significant roll in how much AP spread you can multiply for your cantilever distally. Good luck.