Bruxism has been identified as a significant factor contributing to dental implant failure. Several studies have investigated the relationship between bruxism and the success rates of dental implants, revealing that patients with bruxism experience higher rates of implant failure compared to non-bruxers.
A meta-analysis indicated that bruxers had a pooled odds ratio (OR) of 4.72 for implant failure when compared to non-bruxers, suggesting a substantial increase in risk. Another study found that the odds ratio of implant failure in bruxers was 2.71, highlighting the increased prevalence of mechanical complications and failures in this group.
The excessive occlusal forces generated by bruxism can lead to complications such as screw loosening, ceramic chipping, and overall higher rates of prosthesis failure. Specific protocols, including the use of occlusal splints or botulinum toxin injections, have been recommended to mitigate these risks before implant placement.
In summary, bruxism is a critical risk factor for dental implant failure, and careful evaluation and management strategies are essential for patients with this condition to improve their treatment outcomes.
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Bruxism and dental implant treatment complications: a retrospective comparative study of 98 bruxer patients and a matched group. Clinical oral implants research. Volume: 28, Issue: 7, 2017 - Bruno Ramos Chrcanovic , Jenö Kisch , Tomas Albrektsson , Ann Wennerberg
Risk factors associated with early implant failure: A 5-year retrospective clinical study. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry. Volume: 115, Issue: 2, 2016 - Maris Victoria Olmedo-Gaya , Francisco J Manzano-Moreno , Esther Cañaveral-Cavero , Juan de Dios Luna-del Castillo , Manuel Vallecillo-Capilla
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Intake of Proton Pump Inhibitors Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Dental Implant Failure. The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants. Volume: 32, Issue: 5, 2017 September/October - Bruno Ramos Chrcanovic , Jenö Kisch , Tomas Albrektsson , Ann Wennerberg
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Risk of Dental Implant Failures May Be Higher in Bruxers Than Nonbruxers. The journal of evidence-based dental practice. Volume: 24, Issue: 2, 2024 - Linda L Cheng