Here is a challenging case. Female pt 28yo. h/o ameloblastomax2 10 years ago. no other comorbidities. no recurrence since 10 years ago. Reports currently using an ill-fitting PLD which she forgot to bring at consultation and dont use that much. She has seen many GP and specialists and no one willing to tackles this case and have referred her out. which i understand why. This has become my challenge and perhaps a case presentation for the future. I already have a plan for her which involves GBR w/ BMP before AOX. what you guys think? will update next year.
By AOX are you planning to extract all of her remaining lower teeth? I would consider 2-3 implants to support a bar with a clip on obturator style prosthesis and preserve her remaining functional dentition. I doubt that she doesn’t were her prosthesis simply because it is removable but rather because it is an ill fitting tooth-born prosthesis which was likely made a long time ago. An AOX can always be done later but it seems pretty aggressive to remove her teeth now, at only 28 years old…
I inherited this case and was only responsible for placing the 3 implants in the 25,27, and 29 areas as everything else was already installed when I saw her and we converted her to a full lower AOX. The subperiostial cage supports a bar with a removable clip on portion and it actually works really well. This image is from 2018 but I see her 1x each year and can attest to the satisfactory results from this clip on section which I think might serve your patient well, on traditional fixtures rather than a cage.