Here is a patient that went through my evolution with me. The fixtures on the lower right are parallel walled tissue level, Blue Sky Bio One Stage, and were placed over 10 years ago. She came back to see me 2 years ago at a time when I was interested in the newer more aggressive threaded fixture designs and I placed the ZimVie TSX fixtures #5, 11, 13. As you can see another post load failure of the aggressive threaded bone level fixtures #11 and #13. I also placed the tissue level fixture #4 years ago. It is cases like this that have brought me full circle back to using what would be considered old school implant fixtures. When I re-do #11, #13 I will opt for ZimVie TSVM as it is the bone level fixture that has proven most successful in my hands and I still prefer bone level fixtures for anteriors and multi unit cases. I am not implying that any one brand is better than the other but clearly, in my hands, less tapered and less aggressive threaded fixtures have proven much more successful and I am able to reach this conclusion by following my own cases over many years.